
Erand or Ricinus Communis

Treasures of Nature (Prakriti Ka Khazana) – Erand

Erand, known scientifically as Ricinus communis, is a shrub found in wild habitats and is important because of many health benefits it offers as per Ayurveda, the ancient medical science of India. Its parts like roots, leaves, seed oil are used for different purpose. There are two kinds of erand viz. Seeds erand and Root erand.

Castor oil obtained from Erand i.e. Ricinus Communis is very useful for helping breast feeding mothers secrete milk. Lactating mothers may massage their breasts with castor oil to stimulate mammary glands and thereby boosting milk flow. Castor oil can also be applied before bathing as it helps keep the skin healthy and acts as an aid to good sleep to curb insomnia. It is also helpful if applied to eye brows and eye lashes to keep them brimmed.

Castor (Erand) is helpful in treatment of rheumatic and skin diseases. It is one of harmless purgatives.

One can also use castor oil as hair oil as it helps in curing dandruff and provides a healthy scalp. With 250 to 350 ml of luke-warm milk, 30 to 60 gram of pure and odourless castor oil can be mixed to form a purgative in order to help cure constipation.