Diabetes Video Transcript

Ayurvedic Explanation of Diabetes or Madhumeh

As per Ayurveda, those who enjoy the pleasure of taste i.e. who consume lot of sweets and rich food items, those who follow sedentary lifestyle, those who regularly consume curds and milk, those who consume newly cultivated grains, those who consume jaggery or products made with jaggery, and anything else that aggravates cough, can become patients of diabetes.... more in the transcript below.

Diabetes Video Transcript

Some diseases are such that once they enter our body, they remain there for the lifetime.One such disease is diabetes.

Diabetes is a disease which is so widespread that it has its victims worldwide. Unfortunately, due to rapid increase in number of cases, our country has started to be known as capital of diabetes. In Ayurveda, diabetes has been referred to as anusangi, which means once diabetes makes it way into our body, it creates a platform for various other diseases like blood pressure, heart disease, cholesterol, nervous weakness, eye disease and kidney disease. The disease which initially seems to be simple, gradually weakens the entire body just like a termite.

To discuss the same, today we have senior Ayurveda expert Dr. Parmeshwar Arora, at our studio. We welcome you to our show, sir.

Q. As I told our readers, once diabetes comes into our life, it becomes difficult to get rid of it. If we talk about the number of patients of diabetes, it keeps on increasing day by day and now in fact, India has started to be called the capital of diabetes. According to you, what is the reason behind it?

A. If we talk in the context of world, I would like to let you know that today there are about 40 crore people who are victims of diabetes. Out of these, 8 crore people live in India. According to future estimates, this no. will reach around 60 crore for the world out of which 15 crore will be from india. This means india will be contributing almost 25% of the total number of diabetes patients. There was a time, when diabetes was known as a disease of developed countries or disease of western world. The speed with which we have adopted western culture including their dietary habits like eating junk food, fried food, refined food and we have imbibed their lifestyle which is very comfortable and machine-dependent, seems to be the main culprit. We have started to depend on machines which give us comfort, but we did not pay attention to their culture of regular exercising/swimming. This has resulted in rapid increase in number of diabetes cases in India, so much that we have left the western countries behind.

If we try to understand it in terms of Ayurveda, there is a shlok in Shastra which means those who enjoy the pleasure of taste i.e. who consume lot of sweets and rich food items, those who follow sedentary lifestyle, those who regularly consume curds and milk, those who consume newly cultivated grains, those who consume jaggery or products made with jaggery, and anything which aggravates cough, can become patients of diabetes. When I recall this shloka from chraka-smhita, then I figure out that there are three things which are being consumed enormously, in our country. These are curds, milk and grains. Here, you might have an urge to ask me that our ancestors used to consume much more milk and curds than we do then why is it happening to our generation. My answer is, milk and curds both are cough aggravating products. As the shloka says, anything which aggravates cough can become a reason for diabetes. In the context of our ancestors, no doubt they consumed more milk and curds but you won’t deny the fact that they worked very hard. The milk and curds they consumed used to get digested well. In today’s context, there is little physical hard work while the consumption is almost the same. Regarding curds, our ancestors used to be very regular and disciplined when it came to consumption of curds. They would never consume curds during night. They even regulated it according to seasons. But today, curds have become an alternative to vegetables. Specially ladies, consume chapatis with curds during night. The consumption of curds has increased a lot but the physical work is getting lost. Thus, consumption of milk and curds without physical exercise, can be a reason for increase in no. of diabetes patients. If we talk about grains, India happens to be a major consumer of grains. If we look back, in old days the cultivated grains used be cleaned, washed and stored for few months before being consumed. In today’s culture, the system of storing grains is lost, we tend to consume new or freshly cultivated grains. According to shastra, consumption of freshly cultivated grain is also one of the reasons for diabetes. The heat generated out of it, affects our pancreas, liver and our metabolism thus making us a patient of diabetes.

Q. Now, its time to understand its common symptoms. What kind of symptoms does diabetes have?

A. There are four main symptoms seen in case of diabetes. First symptom is polyuria i.e. frequent urination. Then there is polypsia i.e. increased thirst is second symptom. Thirdly, patient’s diet increases and the fourth symptom is patients continuously becomes weak. Some distinct symptoms have been mentioned in Ayurveda for madhumeh i.e. diabetes. The patient experiences a sort of coating on his teeth. He also experiences burning sensation in hands and legs. His thirst increases and he feels a layer of sweat on his body. These are the primary symptoms. Shastra distinctly says that frequent and sugary urination are common symptoms which are generally seen in diabetes patients.

Q. I would also like to know about its reasons. Why does this disease occur?

A. Broadly speaking, diabetes refers to increased blood sugar levels. Here, it is important to understand that what is responsible for controlling the sugar levels in our body. Insulin, which is secreted by beta cells of islets of langerhens of pancreas controls the sugar levels. There are five ways in which insulin regulates our sugar levels. The first way is it promotes the entry of glucose in our body cells. Secondly, it promotes consumption of glucose in cells. Then, it promotes glycogenesis, which is a process by which excess glucose in blood gets converted into glycogen which is a storage form and is deposited in our liver and muscle cells. Two more processes run in our body. in one glycogen breaks to form glucose which is inhibited by insulin. Another process which is called gluconeogenesis i.e. production of glucose from a source other than carbohydrate (like fat or protein) is also inhibited by insulin.

When any of these five functions of insulin get disturbed due to any reason, the diabetes results. Now, there are two ways in which disturbances can happen. Firstly, it can happen if the beta cells of pancreas get damaged and there is no secretion of insulin. Second case could be that the insulin is being secreted but cells somehow develop resistance which do not allow insulin to perform its functions. In both the situations, the sugar level increases and the person suffers from diabetes.

Q. There are terms like IDDM and NIIDM which probably refers to insulin dependent diabetes and non-insulin dependent diabetes. What are these?

A. As I was telling you, there are two situations which may result into diabetes. IDDM is a condition which results when due to some reasons the beta cells of islets of langerhans in pancreas begin to get damaged. It causes deficiency of insulin in blood and hence rise in blood sugar levels. In such situations, the patients need insulin from outside, in order to maintain his sugar levels.

Q. I would like to interrupt you here....you just said that the beta cells get damaged due to which the situation of diabetes arises? So, what are the reasons for damage of cells?

There could be three reasons for it:

  1. Genetic Susceptibility
  2. Auto-Immune Reactions
  3. Environmental Reasons

Out of these, environmental reasons are considered to be the primary factors. According to researches, some viruses cause certain reactions in our body. These are very simple viruses like mumps, measles, rubella, epstein barr virus etc.. Recurrent infections caused by these viruses damage beta cells of pancreas. When the process of damage begins then there is formation of antigen-antibodies complex. This becomes very severe in the patients with genetic history of diabetes. Ultimately, the volume of beta cells gets depleted to such an extent that the production of insulin remains as low as 10% of the normal production. This results in the condition of IDDM. Not only viruses, there are some chemicals like alloxan, nitrosamine (commonly found chemical used in meat preservation) which if consumed by women who have recently conceived, directly damage their beta cells. The babies born to such women can have IDDM. Apart from these, there are so many drugs and stress conditions which result in damage to beta cells. Sometimes there are direct injury to pancreas, which can also result into damage of beta cells. All these situations finally lead to less production of insulin and hence arises the need to provide external insulin. Since, for their survival patients of this condition need insulin from outside, this type of diabetes is called insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus.

Q. That was about IDDM, but what about NIDDM? You have already told us that in this situation the mass of insulin is adequate but somehow the cells refuse to respond to its instructions. Tell us more.

A. Yes, sometimes cells develop resistance. Insulin is present in normal levels and sometimes we even see the situation of hyperinsulinemia which means increased level of insulin but then the problem is that the cells do not respond to its instructions. Coming to the reasons for such situation, there is a long list but the primary reason is genetic history. When the study was conducted on twins it was found that in 80-90 % of cases of homozygotic or identical twins, both the twins inherited diabetes and in 50-60% cases of non-homozygotic twins both the twins developed diabetes. Thus, the main reason for NIDDM is genetic. The second important cause for NIDDM is obesity. If we consider total cases of NIDDM, then 70-80% of the patients are found to be obese. Third reason is diet. If we consume more sweets, rich food items and almost no dietary fibres, no essential fatty acids, no anti-oxidants, and are doing too much alterations with proteins i.e. consume refined proteins then this too becomes a reason for NIDDM.

Another reason is physical inactivity. Physical activity is the reason why diabetes is more prevalent in urban population than that in rural one. Apart from this, sometimes we take hormones in course of some treatments. We also take steroids like cortisol hormone. Every second lady suffers from hypothyroidism and takes thyroxine hormone. Due to menstrual disturbances, they take estrogen and progesterone. There are so many hormones which are being consumed as medicines. This results in condition of hyperglycemia i.e. increase in sugar levels and hence NIDDM. Environmental reasons are also responsible for causing NIDDM. Stress is also considered as a reason for NIDDM. So, there is a long list but out of these, genetic reasons are considered to be mainly responsible for this type of diabetes. But in NIDDM also, it is observed that gradually the mass of beta cells reduces and at a stage these patients also require external insulin doses.

Q. You talked about stress. What role does stress play in diabetes and up to what extent it can be responsible?

A. Today, stress has become a major problem and it can lead to any disease. Diabetes is also one such disease. Let me explain it scientifically to our readers. See, whenever we are in happy mood, it stimulates parasympathetic nervous system, which increases production of insulin. When the insulin production is adequate, the sugar levels remain under control. Against this, whenever we are in stressful situation, it stimulates sympathetic nervous system which activates adrenal glands which secretes noradrenaline and adrenaline. Noradrenaline stimulates alphareceptors which inhibits secretion of insulin. Similarly adrenalin stimulates both alpha and beta receptors out of which alpha receptors inhibit insulin production and beta receptors increases insulin production. Since two hormones are working on alpha receptors and only one on beta receptors so ultimately the result is inhibition of insulin production. Fall in insulin production results in increase in sugar levels and thus condition of hyperglcemia.

Q. What kind of complications do diabetes patients undergo and upto what extent this disease could be fatal?

A. Diabetes is referred to as anusangi in Ayurveda. The term itself describes its meaning which is, once this disease enters body it involves all other organs. The complications of diabetes include blood pressure, kidney disease, eye disease, nervous weakening and metabolic complications in form of ketoacedosis. Ketoacedosis is a fatal condition which is considered as acute complication of diabetes. Besides, diabetes patients are infection prone. They develop UTI, lung infections, kidney infections etc very rapidly. The chronic or long term complications of diabetes involves microangiopathy which is very common. Microangiopathy includes retinopathy in which the eyes become weak, nephropathy i.e. damage to kidneys, dermal angiopathy i.e. damage to skins. Macroangiopathy is another complication which involves coronary heart disease wherein the blood supply to heart gets affected, cerebrovascular disease where the blood supply to brain get affected, peripheral vascular disease where blood supply to limbs get affected (its a reason for diabetic foot). Sometimes it becomes so severe that limb need to be amputated. With these kind of complications, diabetes becomes fatal though in itself it seems to be a very common disease.

Q. If it is such a disease which invites so many other fatal diseases to our body, i think, we must get rid of this as soon as possible. Since you have got solution for everything, tell us what solution do you offer for this problem i.e. diabetes?

A. If one wants to get rid of this disease completely or if this disease is of genetic origin i.e. the person has inherited it, and he wants that this does not create any complications and even if it is present it stays harmless then he needs to take four steps.

  1. Preventive step
  2. Controlling step
  3. Curitive step
  4. Definite superior attention to the complication

When we talk about the preventive step, as I said in the beginning, stay away from pleasures of taste (i.e don’t run after taste and do not consume sweets, milk, rice and curds and any other thing which aggravates cough) and sedentary lifestyle (i.e. include physical hard work in your lifestyle by practising morning/evening walk). Regarding the controlling step, we initially take help of Ayurvedic medicines like gurmar, vijaysar, karela, amrita, neem, peepli, amla, haldi etc. which are proven anti-diabetic things (we prove it scientifically that how it brings down the sugar levels and not only that they also regenerate the beta cells). Gurmar and vijaysar have capability to regenerate beta cells. Amla make the cells sensitive towards insulin (as I told you. cells become insensitive towards insulin and do not respond to its instructions). So, you can use these things to keep the sugar levels under control.

To cure the disease, we need immuno-modulators. As I said, IDDM happens mainly because of virus attacks. So, if we strengthen our immunity viruses won’t be able to attack our body. A strong immunity will protect us against harmful affects of chemicals. When the beta cells are being attacked, we would need giloy and shilajeet to encounter the problems. Besides, if we are taking allopathic treatment, we are generally given the medicines of sulphonylurea group to control sugar levels. If we are taking such medicines, the complications are inevitable and bound to happen at some or the other stage. We should attend the diabetic complications since the beginning itself. To handle the circulatory affects, arjuna is very helpful. If the diabetes patients use arjuna since beginning, i can assure you that they will never experience any sort of microangiopathy or macroangiopathy. Similarly, eyes are always at target in diabetes patients. So, the use of amla which is very good anti-oxidant will help the patient to avoid any damage to eyes. The kidneys are at risk, so the patients should take kasni, gokhru, punarnava which protect kidneys. Diabetes is a metabolic problem, so we should take care of liver. Makoi, punarnava, kutki-chiraita are such medicines which avoid damages to liver.

The maximum number of herbal medicines which could be accumulated for control and cure of sugar and prevention from complications of diabetes, we put them together in a capsule called madhu sange daman. The intention behind developing this medicine is to provide control as well as cure to the patients of diabetes. Besides, this medicine also helps in preventing the complications of diabetes in patients.

Q. The name, Madhu-Sange-Daman, sounds so meaningful. Isn’t it?

A. Truely, as the name itself suggests, it not only keeps diabetes at bay but also prevents occurrence of its associates like blood pressure, kidney disease, eye disease etc.

Q. Well, quite a self-explanatory name, Madhu-Sange-Daman. Now lets find out from its user about how they feel after using it.

1. My name is Chetan Gupta. I am a Financial Consultant. I am having problem of diabetes from last 6-7 years and I have been taking regular medicines and even insulin shots, for the same. Few months ago, I had started to suffer from other complications related to diabetes. I was experiencing numbness in feet, exhaustion and forgetfulness. Doctor started giving me Madhu-Snage-Daman along with other medicines. After use of few months, I started feeling relief from my symptoms. The numbness disappeared and I started to feel energetic again. Now, I am able to follow my daily routine like before and I also walk 4-5 kilometres daily. According to me, this medicine benefited me a lot and I would suggest to all diabetes patients that they take this medicine as a supplement with the other regular medicines that they take. This would make them energetic and also complications associated with diabetes would be prevented. *

2. I am patient of diabetes. Due to this disease I used to feel very weak. I had also developed ulcers in my foot due to which i faced a great difficulty in walking. I took allopathic medicines for a long time but it failed to relieve my symptoms. When I approached Dr. Arora, he advised me to take Madhu-Sange-Daman capsules. After use of this medicine, my sugar level remains under control, i have started feeling energetic and my foot ulcers are also healed. I would always be grateful to doctor for providing me such a relief. *

3. I used to feel tired because of which I got a routine check-up done. The check-up revealed that I had increased sugar levels. I was advised to take allopathic medicines but I was reluctant. Then somebody advised me to meet Dr. Parmeshwar Arora. When I discussed my problems with the doctor, he suggested me to take Madhu-Sange-Daman capsules. I have been taking it for 6 months now. Now, I don’t have any problem of sugar and I even eat sweets occasionally. *

* Results may vary person to person

Q. Doctor, please tell us about the dosage of Madhu-Sange-Daman.

A. The patients of diabetes should take 2 capsules thrice a day and pre-diabetics should take it 2 capsules twice a day. Those who have a family history of diabetes but they want to avoid it, should take 2 capsules once a day.

Thank you so much doctor for taking time out of your busy schedule and educating us on diabetes.

Dear Readers, today we talked about diabetes and how we can prevent it. As the saying goes, Prevention is better than cure. For prevention of diabetes, you can use Madhu-Sange-Daman capsules. But there is no need to worry even if you already have diabetes because it is capable of curing it too. We hope that you enjoy a happy and healthy life.