Neck Pain & Back Pain

Effective Herbal Treatment for Neck Pain and Back Pain

Put an end to Your Neck Pain or Back Pain!

Pain felt in the neck is caused by numerous spinal problems, muscular tightness in the upper back and neck, pinching of the nerve radiating from the cervical vertebrae, infections, poor sleeping posture, herniated disc, whiplash and a whole lot of other causes. The episodes of back pain may be acute, chronic or sub-acute depending on the duration and the pain is characterized by piercing, dull ache or burning sensation.

Dr. Arora recommends effective natural herbal solution for Neck Pain, Lower Back Pain and Sciatica and associated complications. A set of effective Ayurvedic remedies for these problems without any side effects, are mentioned below. Please select the one that suits your condition the best.

Ayurveda is a system that has been delivering excellent remedies and cures for centuries because it believes in treating the body as a whole instead of tinkering just with the symptoms of a particular part.

Indications: Neck pain / Lower Back Pain / Sciatica (Cervical spondylitis / Lumbar Spondylosis and other spine related pains)

Expected Course duration for recovery – 3 to 6 months

In case of Severity(where it impacts day-to-day activities):


1 Ath Ashw-Guggal Capsules 2 cap (Morning – After breakfast & around 7pm)
2 Swarn Prabha 1 cap (Morning – After breakfast & around 7pm)
3 Kupi Ashwa 1 tab (After Lunch & Dinner)
4 Vatosam 1 cap (After Lunch & Dinner)
5 Nigiriyadi Oil Gentle Application

Mild to moderate cases:


1 Ath Ashw-Guggal Capsules 1 cap (Morning – After breakfast & around 7pm)
2 Ath Rasadi Yog Capsules 1 cap (Morning – After breakfast & around 7pm)
3 Kupi Ashwa 1 tab (After Lunch & Dinner)
4 Vatosam 1 cap (After Lunch & Dinner)
5 Nigiriyadi Oil Gentle Application

In case of Gas / Bloatedness:


1 Ath Ashw-Guggal Capsules 2 cap (Morning – After breakfast & around 7pm)
2 Swarn Prabha 1 cap (Morning – After breakfast & around 7pm)
3 Kupi Ashwa 1 tab (After Lunch & Dinner)
4 Vatosam 1 cap (After Lunch & Dinner)
5 Agni Prabha 2 tabs twice a day (After Lunch and Dinner)
6 Nigiriyadi Oil Gentle Application

In patients with Blood-Pressure:


1 Ath Ashw-Guggal Capsules 2 cap (Morning – After breakfast & around 7pm)
2 Swarn Prabha 1 cap (Morning – After breakfast & around 7pm)
3 Pravaladi 1 Cap (After Lunch & Dinner)
4 Vatosam 1 cap (After Lunch & Dinner)
5 Agni Prabha 2 tabs twice a day (After Lunch and Dinner)
6 Nigiriyadi Oil Gentle Application

The Common Causes Of Neck Pain are due to:

Activity- Neck pain is caused by those activities that cause prolonged or repeated movements of the neck like

  • Sleeping on a pillow that is too high or flat,
  • Exercises that makes use of the upper part of the body like painting a ceiling etc.

Injury- Neck pain due to minor injuries could be due to falling a short distance. On the other hand, severe neck injuries occur from

  • Whiplash or a range of injuries of the neck caused by the sudden distortion of the neck, associated with extension.
  • Sports related accidents.

Medical Condition- There are a number of medical conditions contributing to neck pain, such as

  • Cervical Spinal stenosis- the narrowing of the spinal cord.
  • Cervical Spondylosis- This is a very common age related problem that affects the discs and joints in the neck and is popularly called neck arthritis or cervical osteoarthritis. This condition is commonly caused due to dehydrated spinal disks, injury, herniated disks, bone spurs etc.

The Common Symptoms of Neck Pain Are:

  • Headache
  • Tingling in the arms
  • Muscle pain
  • Fever
  • Stiff Neck
  • Throat Pain
  • Tenderness

Causes of Back Pain Are:

  • Spinal disc herniation
  • Isthmic Spondylolisthesis-This is the degenerative disc disease.
  • Lumbar Spondylosis- This is the degeneration of the spine in the lumbar region or lower back. This occurs due to age because of the wear and tear of the spine.

Symptoms of Back Pain Are:

  • Dull ache or tingling sharp pain
  • Numbness
  • Pulsating pain with movement of the spine
  • Loss or continence of bowel or bladder

Treatment of Neck and Back Pain:

  • Ayurvedic treatment is gaining popularity and Ath Ayurdhamah is a renowned Ayurvedic company, that offers effective treatment for back and neck pain. This medicine is used in cases of Lumbar and Cervical (low back) pains which are due to disc prolapse resulting into, bony inflammations, nerve compression muscular sprain, degenerative changes etc.
  • To treat swelling, Dashmularisht can be used.