Hair Fall Treatment

Hair Fall Treatment In Easy And Natural Ways


Summary - Maintaining hair health is absolutely necessary in order to reduce hair fall. Opting for hair treatments that involve chemicals can damage your hair even more. Thus, it is essential to resort to natural solutions for hair fall for excellent results. Changes in your lifestyle and food habits are the first requirements to start a natural hair treatment. Having a healthy diet, drinking lots of water, regular exercises, regulated metabolism are important measures that need to be observed for reducing hair fall. You must also see your doctor for regular check-ups. Avoid using too many chemical products and overuse of hair gadgets. Use natural herbs and home remedies like coconut, amla, rosemary, thyme, eggs, Neem and the others discussed above for improved hair health and rejuvenation of hair follicles.

Hair fall is very common in both men and women. There are a lot of factors that cause hair fall. Some of the popular causes are pollution, stress, hormonal imbalances, heredity, nutritional deficiencies, and autoimmune diseases. Hair fall treatments involving the use of chemicals can be expensive and they tend to damage your hair even more instead of repairing. There fore, you must always stick to home remedies and natural solutions for hair fall. Here are some hair fall measures that you can consider to stop hair fall.

  • Eat Healthy Food: Avoiding spicy and fried food is the most important step to be taken before starting your hair care regime. Stop the consumption of alcohol, drugs, and smoking as they are harmful to your health and affect your hair health. Modify your diet by incorporating vitamins, minerals, and protein that are beneficial for your hair health.
  • Drink Adequate Water: You must drink at least 2 litres of water every day to remain hydrated. Avoid caffeinated beverages as they are harmful to your health. Water helps in flushing out harmful toxins from your body and stops hair fall.
  • Physical Exercises: You must exercise regularly in order to increase your digestion and metabolism rate. The sweat released during exercising also cleans and unclogs your hair pores which leads to improved hair health.
  • See A Doctor For Expert Help: Hair loss can also be related to some specific health problems. There are several diseases that cause hair fall. Some common ones are anemia, hypothyroidism, alopecia, lupus, and cancer. You must visit a doctor as soon as you notice massive hair fall to receive expert help.
  • Refrain From Physical And Emotional Trauma: Physical and emotional stressThere fore can take a toll on your hair. You must sleep for a total of 8 hours a day. Yoga and meditation help to calm your mind and prevent emotional stress.
  • Maintain Hormonal Balance: Hormonal imbalance can also be one of the major causes of hair fall. Intake of healthy food and hormonal supplements can maintain proper levels of hormones in your body.
  • Avoid Chemical Products And Heat: Chemical infused products are harmful to your hair. Excessive usage of hair gadgets results in burnt and damaged hair and hence must be avoided.
  • Usage Of Herbs And Herbal Oils: There are a number of herbs that help to repair damaged hair and stop hair fall. Neem leaves increase blood circulation to your scalp and improve hair health. Aloe Vera’s healing properties balance scalp pH, reduce sebum production and prevent hair loss. The vitamin-rich herb Rosemary rejuvenates hair growth and detoxifies your scalp. Amla or the Indian gooseberry strengthens your hair roots and cures hair damage. The presence of eugenol and magnesium in the Holy Basil or Tulsi leaves helps regenerate hair follicles and boosts hair growth. Massaging herbal oils like almond oils, Brahmi oils, lavender essential oils, thyme essential oils, coconut and mustard oils into your scalp regularly increases blood circulation and promotes hair health.
  • Home Remedies: Home remedies are cheap and useful natural solutions for hair fall. Some of them include:
  • Onion Juice: Onions are rich in sulphur and boost hair growth by increased collagen production. Apply onion juice to your scalp twice a week before rinsing to get best results.
  • Egg: Egg contains protein, iodine, zinc, and sulphur that reduce hair fall and promote hair growth. Apply the egg white to your entire hair and wash it off after 15 minutes. This will give you shinier and nourished hair.
  • Henna: Henna has certain qualities that strengthen your hair roots from within. Make a thick paste out of henna leaves and curd and apply it to your hair. Keep it for an hour or so and wash it off to get healthier hair.
  • Hibiscus: Hibiscus flowers treat dandruff, itchy and dry scalp and nourish your hair. Make a thick paste by crushing some hibiscus flowers and adding a few drops of hair oil to it. Apply it to your scalp for a few hours and rinse it off with cold water for notable results.

The above mentioned ways to treat hair fall are purely natural, effective and assure to offer positive results.